Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Look How He Plays A One-Two

Down at the Factory we've aired a few Cazorla chants [I have a couple corking Christmas ones that may show up at a later date] but haven't settled on one just yet. The Seven Nation Army one doesn't seem to have legs with our grumpy bunch, but we've done the Tuesday Club Chim Chim Cher-ee one with mixed success.

Recently, fellow NY Gooner John said he thought this tune would make a catchy Cazorla chant [probably after screening Cinderella with his kids], since his name fits so nicely in the meter of the first line. He set me the task of coming up with something but I didn't know the tune. Once I heard it the words happened almost instantly. You've got to talk about his two-footedness of course, and I copped the last line from the Tuesday Club. Fair warning, it can get stuck in your head. On the plus side of that, it's easy to sing over and over to the annoyance of any rivals nearby.

[Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo/Perry Como/Cinderella]
tune suggested by a fellow NY Gooner

What a footballer
Santi Cazorla
Look how he plays a one-two
He can do magic with each of his feet
He is much better than you

Just Knock The Ball Up To Giroud

Not too long ago, @7amkickoff tweeted that someone should come up with a Giroud chant to this tune. Diseased as I am, I couldn't resist. I tweeted it back to him in two parts and several folks retweeted and commented back, so I started giving it the gas down at the Factory.

Surprisingly TJ, who normally hates my stuff, rather enjoyed it. I've been toying with this Ridiculous Chants column idea for a while, so I figured I'd better launch it while the stars are aligned. Almost as soon as I posted it Jack chimed in with the line substituting Frenchman for future from the end of the song, and next thing you know I had another verse. Jack's dream is to get the hmmm hmmm hmmm's going down at the pub. Maybe this weekend. [edit: changed it to ooooh ooooh ooooh. Can't get much volume with the hmmm's]

[I Melt With You/Modern English]
special mention to @7amkickoff for suggesting the tune for a Giroud chant

The Frenchman's open wide, he’s in acres of space
Runs like an ostrich, but he’s got a chiseled face
When he attacks, defenders crash around the place
Never really knowing he was always....fucking ace

Just knock the ball up to Giroud
He started slowly
but he's getting better all the time.
He's more handsome
than me and you,
Just knock the ball up to Giroud.

[The Frenchman's  open,  wide]

ooooh ooooh ooooh
ooooh ooooh ooooh ooooh.